Use of Geocells for Drainage and Reinforcement of Subgrade

30 KN biaxial PP Geogrid to reinforce GSB & Base Couirse at Churaibari on NH-44

Use of Geotextile as separating membrane as reinforcement on NH 44 at Churaibari

Slope Protection work by Geo-Cell at Bogibeel Bridge Approach

Fully computerized high capacity Batch Mix plants for DBM/BM/BC for proper grading ,binder content & quality leading to faster construction practices

Use of Automatic Core Cutter Machine for extraction of undisturbed sample of bituminous courses

Vibro -hammer
Construction of subway bridge over river Ranganadi with steel pile foundations using vibro -hammer has been successfully implemented. Adoption of this technology has resulted in faster construction and can be suitably utilized for restoration of communication during natural disaster.
Integral voided slab flyover superstructure
Integral voided slab flyover superstructure cast integrally with piers minimizing the use of bearings. A latest technology adopted by APWD. The technical paper on the success story has also been submitted to International Bridge Association.
Reinforcement at the founding level by bamboo pinning

Protection of High embankments/Bridge approaches Hill slopes with Vetiver Plantation

Construction of RE Wall approaches of LGBI airport junction point flyover on NH-37

Use of Hybrid Geo-synthetic Non-Woven Glass Paving Mat on NH-37
Paving mat has been applied as a screen between DBM & surface layers (BC) to prevent propagation of reflective cracks, rutting from underlying layers to road surface.